Hi, I'm RumpledElf. I live in a small town somewhere near the border of NSW and Victoria in Australia and I am currently taking a break from working for someone else to work on my own projects. I am quite self-admittedly a very strange person. In the long term I am aiming for eccentric but I don't yet have that much money nor that many cats.
I'm a Drupal developer but I'm trying to give it up and spend more time away from the computer (it isn't working). I started my career as a C programmer and at some point I found web development and never looked back. I like making things and fixing things and web development has that lovely mix of instant gratification and larger scale architecture.
I've been using this nick fairly consistently for about 20 years, so if you find this nickname somewhere, odds are good it is me. This page is just here as a meta page for people who google me. I have opinions about lots of things - and I get passionate about many of them. Not all of them are work related. Fortunately for the people I work with there isn't much overlap, I have some dubious hobbies.
My least dubious hobby is collecting awful, awful real estate. The only thing I can say in my defence is they are very cheap. I've been doing this since I was still at uni and there is no hope for me.
My current goal in life is to hit FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) sometime kinda soon, which is going as well as can be expected after a long spell of working part time in the country. Part time life is great and all but it was limiting, and I will be looking for some bursty full time work in 2025, although this is partly just so I don't get bored.
If you absolutely must stalk me on other social media, may I suggest Twitter (or whatever the hell it's called this week) and LinkedIn as good places to start. I would link to my GitHub but the only public projects I have are a collection of Jekyll sites that are not much different to this one, and if you're impressed by this site, you have low standards.